Postpartum hacks

As of today my baby boy is two weeks old. It’s been two weeks of short nights, curious little eyes, body pains, therapeutic snuggles, moments of utter chaos and so so much sweetness.

While having my second go-around on this new born thing doesn’t at all make me a pro, I decided to compile a list of what I’m calling “postpartum hacks” that have mostly been passed along to me and that I hope to implement during these days.

So to you mamas whose trash is full of diapers, sink is full of bottles, and shirt is full of stains; this ones for you. For us.

1. Read a book or binge watch a show while feeding baby. It’s enjoyable and its effortless, and it will always be a sentimental connection to the new born days.

2. Hide some chocolate… or any treat of choice. When you need a quick pick me up, whip that delicious chocolate (dark for me!) out of your hidden stash and treat yo self. Tastes like deliciousness and adulthood.

3. Be easy on your body. Instead of focusing so much on how your body looks focus more on what your body can do. Remember your body brought forth life and continues to give it daily. Consider the messages your body sends to your baby like warmth, love, safety, and provision.

4. Sleeeep! Every chance you get when you need it.. which is every chance you get.

5. Adjust quiet times. As a Christian these demanding days honestly make “quiet times” with God feel a little daunting. A friend once encouraged me that this season is an okay one to set aside our bible reading plan that has us in Leviticus and instead spend 15 spare minutes in the Pslams. Even if we don’t have the same emotional and mental capacity, our souls need Gods Word. So keep feeding on it, even if it is more like small snacks. *also fill your mind with good music and podcasts.

6. GO! When given the opportunity… get out for bit! Leave the baby for a few minutes with someone you trust and sit at a coffee shop, go on a walk, or just drive around the block with the windows down.

7. Identify energy drains. A podcast I was recently listening to suggested identifying our typical “drain times” during the day. With my first child I discovered quickly that one of mine was during the time between dinner and when Dad gets home (for us about 5:30 to 7:30) This is ironically the time when I’m building an imaginary wall and my daughter, and now son, are simultaneously determined to knock it down and be as close to me as humanly possible.

8. Apply energy fills. Instead of resorting to checking out during this time, though, we should follow up by identifying our energy fills. It might be sneaking away for 3 minutes to lay on our bed and stare at the ceiling, or stepping outside and breathing in fresh air, or closing our eyes and imagining bed time. But it’s finding, and applying, that little something to give us an extra push to get through the day more faithfully and fully.

Well, now I’m going to go eat some chocolate and binge watch Parenthood. Orrrr feed my baby while my toddler is climbing on me. Whatever.

Mom life.

Let’s embrace it.

Let’s laugh.

Let’s snuggle them like we don’t have long.

Let’s count the small wins.

Let’s breath in each precious moment.

I’d love to hear your own ideas! So drop your postpartum must-haves and go-tos below.

2 thoughts on “Postpartum hacks

  1. Jackie March 3, 2018 / 2:03 pm

    Good advice, sweet Natalie.
    I am a granny and some of these sound good to me….like a stash of candy, taking breaks and even changing schedule!
    Love you, Noodle!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Natalie Denae March 3, 2018 / 3:56 pm

      Yes I think that’s a great idea 🙂 you’re a wonderful Granny/Jack to us ALL! Love you so much 😘


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